Sunday, November 08, 2009


After vacillating about what to do today, deciding to stay home and having a nice breakfast, I decided that it was too nice out to miss going on the boat. We packed in a hurry and off we went.

It was gorgeous on the Chesapeake, and flat as can be. It is very rare to be on the water and have it be so calm that it reflects the sky, but that's what it was like today. I am so glad that we went. I was even more glad that we decided to go while listening to the Raven's game on the radio. If I had stayed home today to watch that fiasco I would have been very upset. We came in just abut sunset - the sky was beautiful. Bob caught a few small fish and threw them back unharmed. I got lots of knitting done and we both enjoyed the sunshine. I think I got my dose of Vitamin D for a couple of days. It was a good day. I won't think about tomorrow and work yet.

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