Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Knitting Linen stitch is like watching grass grow ....

The scarf will look good when it's done and if you need a project that does not require much thinking, this one might be good. I have to watch every stitch to be sure the yarn moves front and back as necessary, but my fingers get the rhythm pretty quickly and I can converse, listen to TV or a book without problems while knitting it. It is taking forever to knit a measurable amount of scarf, though. I thought I had an inch at the end of the weekend. I still have an inch and I know I've been knitting .....

I am trying so hard to be good but my fingers are itching to knit a hat/scarf combo for each of my sons with my handspun ......

I think I should stop and pick up a lottery ticket on the way home from work. Work is really infringing on my fiber time and it's bothering me. ; ))

I had heard last year that MD Sheep and Wool Festival would be charging an entry or parking fee this year, but when I didn't find a mention of it on the website, I inquired. Nope, no fee, though there will be a donations box. I am still seriously thinking about not going this year. I want to go to Rhinebeck to the NY Sheep and Wool festival and I don't think I can afford both. If I can go to MD and not bring $$$$ or plastic, just spend the day with fiber enthusiasts, that might work. Or, since I am really anxious to pick up another spindle, I could bring just that much money ...... Well, there's time to decide about MD. I should start looking into accommodations in the Rhinebeck area, though.

I am very much enjoying the longer days. When I drive home from work I still see sun, even if it is just about sunset. I feel like this winter has not been as long and dreary as some, though I also realize that winter is not over. For whatever reason, the cold this year has not bothered me as much as the short days. Now that the days are noticeably longer, I am very much encouraged. It no longer feels silly to be going to the MD Home and Garden Show and buying plants in about a month. ; )

Have a good day, all.

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