This past weekend was the annual spinning retreat for a local spinning group. I can’t make it to most of their gatherings, but for most of the last 4 or 5 years I have made it to the annual retreat. I missed last year and feared that I would miss this one, too, what with Mom’s problems. I made it, though, and had a wonderful time.
There is no planned program. There is a theme, though, and fiber is provided. You are welcome to spin the fiber relating to the theme but not required. This year’s theme was color blending. We were provided with white BFL, black BFL/Shetland cross and alpaca in 3 colors as a base. This is alpaca plus cranberry locks.
We were also provided with BFL and mohair locks, each dyed in 6 or 7 different colors. It was easy to see how differently the BFL and mohair took up the colors side by side.There were combs and carders and people willing to show the inexperienced (like me) how to use them, and lots of time to play. I am sorry that I didn’t think to take out my camera and document some of the efforts. Maybe I can remember to do that with mine once I am ready to spin them.
I made use of the combs and carders since I have not access to that type of equipment at home.
I did not spin any of the fiber I prepared there. My bobbins were full from my spinning efforts during the Tour de Fleece. I had completed the spinning but not they plying. I spent most of Friday night and Sat. morning spinning up the black singles I needed to complete my planned 3 ply. I then spent hours and hours and hours ….. plying my yarn. I hate to ply.
I am pleased with the end result. I haven't yet figured out the yardage. It's a lot less than I thought I would have after spinning 12 oz. of fiber, but it is 3 ply and feels good. ; ) It's a little over plied I think but will do just fine.
I will probably cave into temptation and spin some of what I brought home from the retreat (see above new and fluffy toys) , then go back and spin more black singles because I need that to ply the other singles that I spun up – more in the earth tones area. I have no specific plans for the yarn yet, but suspect that they will end up as hats/mittens, cold winter wear. I might actually make a pair of slippers for eldest son if he promises to wear them inside only. ; ) I hope to get some photos during the day over the weekend.
I went for a walk – the grounds of Wilson College are very pretty – and ate a lot. We have a snack table and it was groaning with the goodies brought to share. There were some healthy things, too, like veggie platters, apples and oranges. I ate salads at every meal, hoping to counteract some of the snack foods. LOL.
We spun and blended and knitted and were inspired by each other’s projects. I think we all learned something and all in a friendly, informal setting, no pressure on anyone. I might want to get a loom. It was a great weekend. I left a bit early so I could get home to watch most of the Raven’s game. They won! Go Ravens!!!!!
Mom seems to be doing OK – I spoke with her each day I was away. Let’s hope that this is the last surgery and that she heals well and completely this time.
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