Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ten Things

Ten Things I wish I knew how to do and the likelihood of learning/doing them

1. Sew - more than the basics. Not until I retire, maybe then.

2. Art - mostly drawing, but a little painting would be good. Not likely at all.

3. Ride a motorcycle safely. Not likely - tried it when I was in my 20's and it didn't go well ....

4. Fix my hair in a "style". Not.

5. Sing. This is actually a "wish I could do" it rather than "wish I knew how". My singing voice significantly deteriorated after multiple strep throat episodes in HS and college and disappeared for good with vocal cord surgery. I sound terrible now but when I am alone I sing anyway. Loudly and off key, but I do it.

6. Reverse directions. I am so tired of getting lost going home. sigh. Not likely at all. Thank goodness for the Mapquest reverse directions button.

7. Stick to a diet. Not likely.

8. Weave. I'd like to weave my own place-mats and table runners. There's a 50/50 chance, I would say, increasing slightly after retirement.

9. Bake from scratch. My few attempts have failed miserably so far. Ask DH about his birthday cupcakes. I think there is hope .....

10. Do electrical work. I think I am going to have to learn being that DH is legally blind. Do I really want to trust that he can see which wires to connect?

I went to physical therapy today for the first time for my toe/foot problem. The first thing he did after taking my history was to re-align my back. Obviously my attempt to prevent back problems by having surgery to correct my walking didn't have complete success. Still he thinks he can help. I had several other adjustments was instructed on 2 sets of exercises to do (have you ever done foot arch exercises?) and see him again next week. I do feel better. : )

I've decided to change to size 1 needles for my ribbing on the socks so that is on hold for now. I am using the size 1 circs in my new sock. I will have to switch to DPNs for the Sunshine socks and rip out the inch of ribbing completed so far. That will likely happen over the weekend. Meanwhile, the hat I am knitting for DH can become a travel project. 2 X 2 ribbing in mostly beige, with random color added as I am moved to do so makes a simple travel project, if not quite as small. Maybe I need to get more size 1 circs.

PS The trip to Mannings is back on for Saturday. Nancy wants another look at the wheels before she makes a choice.

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