Sunday, May 17, 2009

Startitis strikes again

I have a severe case, too. At the Needle Exchange in my LYS, I purchased 2 balls of Kidsilk Haze to make the Cardi Cozy in the new Mason Dixon book. I have not yet cast on, but I bought the yarn and the cast on is not far off, I think. I bought someone's linen stash yarn to make the market bag in that same book. I actually did cast on with some sheep and wool yarn - the Creatively Dyed blue and dark grey yarn, for a Clapotis. I tried the coin lace version, but the yarn and the pattern didn't suit each other, so I reverted to the original version. I also cast on for some socks with some yarn that was gifted to me at Christmas. I am still working on the linen stitch boatneck top from IK, the white cotton sweater for DH, my travel sock and Laminaria. I have put aside for the summer season the honka scarf, the grey striped vest and whatever else I was working on. (I just can't remember now, but it seems like there was more than that in the works)

That's not as bad as I thought, really. It looks worse than it is, because of all the project bags scattered throughout the house. I will have to do some sorting and putting away so that order can prevail. Some of the casue of the startitis is that I have been home form work since Tuesday because I lost my balance while riding my bike (trying to get exercise) and sprained my foot (according to the doctor) - the one I had surgery on. Ouch. I have been pretty much on bed rest with the foot elevated, and I got very tired of knitting linen stitch with Hempathy. It takes forever to see any progress.

I planted my upside down tomato plant yesterday. It looks very odd hanging downstairs. My neighbor gave me some Iris tubers a couple of years ago and they are blooming for the first time! They are beautiful. Most of the plants planted last weekend are doing well. A few will have to go back to the store for failure to thrive.

DH has been working very hard fixing up the deck outside. We love sitting out there in the nice weather but it is over 20 years old and was showing it's age. DH has been cleaning, bleaching, sanding and generally giving the deck and railings a great new look without replacing much of anything. He is, right now, out buying some pond liner so we can reinstate my water garden on the deck. I love the sound of running water and the birds seem to love the water feature, too. We already have a bird bath with running water for them, but in the past they have also made use of the water garden for bathing and drinking.

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